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It's like cartoons with y'know pianos falling on people, or action movies with car crashes and explosions. By the time in Year 8 I'd say everyone has. For me, I watched it a lot to begin with and then it kind of eased off. I don't think porn addiction is an actual thing.'It's like cartoons with y'know pianos falling on people, or action movies with car crashes and explosions,' one boy said. The results of the survey showed while most boys had seen pornography, many were able to understand the difference between those depictions and real life. By the time in Year 8 I'd say everyone has,' another boy said.

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'It's always just there in your face,' one boy said. Hundreds of Australian boys aged 12-18 completed anonymous interviews and surveys that covered everything from how much pornography they viewed, to what they think of it, and what questions it sparked. A new project has delved into the minds of teenage boys to discover just what they think about pornography - and the results will soon be turned into a stage play.

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