Here are 10 things that guys do when they’re alone, and 10 more they do once they’re in a committed relationship. I’ve scoured internet forums, talked to my best guy friends (AKA offenders), and interrogated my married girlfriends to get the dirty, dirty scoop. If you’re male, I would consider this list the same as taking a long, hard look in the mirror. But, if you want to know what he really gets up to, or simply find out if his habits are commonplace, then you’re in the right place. Just as long as you’re not one of, uh, one of these: Weeaboos, Animesexuals, who are the cringiest people in existence. If you’re female, before you read this list, I would seriously consider how it’s going to affect your ability to ever share a bed, a kiss, or the same room with the male of the species ever again. It’s just a bit weird, but there is nothing wrong with liking anime girls, they’re designed to make you like them. It’s a very clever game, and unfortunately, we get played like a fiddle. By that point, you’re in too deep to leave them and run away in terror.
Then, even more disgusting habits come out. When guys feel comfortable in a loving, committed relationship, the rose-tinted glasses come off and the honeymoon period dies a death. Have you ever wondered what new heights of grossness gents are capable of reaching when they’re alone? Hazard a guess, then multiply it by a million. They’re hairy, smelly, and usually have some pretty revolting habits – and that’s in public.